Saturday, December 24, 2016

University of Groningen Online Course on Introduction to Dutch

University of Groningen Online Course on Introduction to Dutch

This session the University of Groningen will be offering an open online version of course, ‘Introduction to Dutch’. This course is intended for people who have a strong interest in learning languages.
The overall objective of this course is to learn speak, write and understand basic Dutch. The course starts on February 27, 2017.

Course At A Glance

Length: 3 weeks
Effort:  3 hours/week
Subject: Dutch Language
Institution: University of Groningen and FutureLearn
Languages: English
Price:  Free
Certificate Available: Yes
Session: Starts on February 27, 2017

Providers’ Details

This University of Groningen is offering the course via renowned online platform FutureLearn. The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook, deeply rooted in Groningen, in the north of the Netherlands. University is currently in or around the top 100 on several influential ranking lists.
FutureLearn offers the diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world. These are delivered one step at a time, and are accessible on mobile, tablet and desktop, so applicant can fit learning around their life.

About This Course

Are applicants planning to visit, or work or study in the Netherlands soon? This free online course is perfect if applicant have little or no prior knowledge of Dutch, but would like to master the fundamentals in order to survive life in the Low Countries. Learn basic Dutch. The course will run over three weeks, helping them to:
-introduce themselves and get to know other learners
-talk about their family, friends, work and study
-and experience life in the Netherlands.
During the course, applicants will learn Dutch phrases, greetings, vocabulary, numbers, spelling and grammar. Being able to understand the language will make everyday activities, such as shopping or going out to a restaurant, much more enjoyable.
By the end of the course, they will be able to recognise familiar words and phrases about themselves and their family. Applicant will be taught to use simple sentences to describe where they live and the people they know.
Finally, applicants will be able to write short texts such as an email or fill in forms with personal details. The main focus will be on receptive skills such as reading and listening.

 Why Take This Course?

This is a free online course. Applicants can buy a Statement of Participation for this course — a personalized certificate in both digital and printed formats — to show that they have taken part.
The course will be taught in English by lecturers of Dutch and English from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. The main focus will be on receptive skills like reading and listening. It will be taught in English.

Learning Outcomes

During the course, Applicant will learn Dutch phrases, greetings, vocabulary, numbers, spelling and grammar. Being able to understand the language will make everyday activities, such as shopping or going out to a restaurant, much more enjoyable. By the end of the course, they will be able to recognize familiar words and phrases about themselves and their family. Applicant will be taught to use simple sentences to describe where they live and the people they know.


– Birgit, Jeroen and Margriet
(Lead educators)
Senior Lecturers
University of Groningen Language Centre


This course is aimed at people with no prior knowledge of the Dutch language, who have a strong interest in learning languages. It will give applicant a taste of language skills that will help them to survive in Dutch-speaking countries. The main focus will be on receptive skills like reading and listening. It will be taught in English.

How To Join This Course

  • Go to the course website link.
  • Sign Up At FutureLearn
  • Select a course and Join
  • Once a course has started, applicant will be able to access the course material
  • After the start date, student will be able to access the course by following the Go To Course link on My Courses page.
  • Applicants can buy, to show that they have completed a FutureLearn course.
  • On some FutureLearn courses, learners will be able to pay to take an exam to qualify for a Statement of Attainment. (These are university-branded, printed certificates that provide proof of learning on the course topic(s)).
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